Since 1993
Building a Healthy Suffolk
Suffolk, Virginia is a beautiful region, with a diverse people. Located in the southeast of the Hampton Roads community, this beautiful city is one of the largest land-based city in the state of Virginia. Suffolk offers thriving industry, agriculture, a growing technology belt, but also wide open spaces to work and play.
The people of Suffolk are as diverse as its many regions. The citizens of Suffolk face several health challenges that aren't uncommon throughout the US, but present specific obstacles for our community. Lack of transportation, extreme poverty, and lack of healthy food options are contributing factors to conditions like obesity and diabetes.
Healthy Suffolk’s vision is for a healthy community where all people will be inspired and enabled to make healthy lifestyle choices, to use preventative health care and to access resources to live in a safe and wholesome environment.
How Healthy Suffolk Continues
It is only through gifts and contributions from members of the community and organizations like these that Healthy Suffolk can continue its mission. Thank you.
Birdsong Foundation
Community Action Coalition of Virginia
Obici Healthcare Foundation
Pruden Foundation
Richard Bennett Trust
Suffolk Foundation
Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth